Heart of Thomas Errata
To everyone who has already purchased or ordered my translation of Moto Hagio’s The Heart of Thomas, please note that there are numerous errors. Most significantly, there is text missing in panels 4, 5 and 6 on page 29. They should read as follows:
Panel 4, Oskar: ….
Panel 5, caption: It’s as if his whole body was spitting out blue sparks.
Panel 6, caption: Find your answer, Juli. And then get it off your chest.
The page should look something like this:

The remaining errors that have been brought to my attention are as follows.
On page 16, “altar” is misspelled as “alter.”
On page 139, Juli’s name is misspelled as “Yuri.”
The name of Oskar’s father, Gustav, is misspelled as “Gustaf” on pages 192, 481, 482, and 491.
On page 316, panel 2, the vertical Japanese ellipses were not erased.
On page 456, panel 6, the Japanese (いない) has not been erased.
On page 507, panel 5, Juli says, I made a show of rejecting Juli at the farce. It should read “I made a show of rejecting Thomas at the farce.”
I want to apologize to everyone who bought or read the book, as well as to Ms. Hagio and the good people at Shogakukan Publishing. Most of the errors were actually caught in our very thorough editing process, yet somehow an earlier, unedited manuscript ended up being sent to the printer. I have never been so upset about an error in one of my books. My thrill at seeing this gorgeous book–which is in some ways my life work–lasted for about five minutes, and then I noticed the missing text on page 29.
Thanks to Jillian, Michelle Smith, and Renee Lott for pointing out several other errors I had missed.